YELP HELP & Optimaztion
Yelp Is Holding Your Business Hostage And It Costs You Thousands Of Dollars…

Yelp is an inevitability.
Sooner or later, Yelp will auto generate a profile for a retail-facing business.
Every business gets a profile, whether they want one or not.
Once that happens, the reviews start coming in.
The research tells us that over 80% of consumers read online reviews for
local businesses, with 52% of 18-54-year-olds saying they always read

So, not taking control of their reviews leads the negative ones to pile up
and hurts a business’s rating and sales immensely.


of consumers are less likely to use a business after seeing negative reviews.


of consumers say that positive reviews make them more likely to use a business.

Unlocking Suppressed Positive Reviews

In this solution, we’re looking to provide an immediate boost in rating,
rankings, and as a result, customers.
This provides the most bang for your buck in terms of Yelp rating.

Profile Management to Boost SEO

In this offer, we “capture” or discover the relevant search keywords for the
business and use them in the Yelp profile.
This will help convert more visitors into buyers as the traffic will come from
keywords that represent more buyer intent.
The added benefit here is that the Yelp profile will be displaced on a
Google search results page, thus increasing buyer related traffic.
Since SEO is an ongoing offer, this solution carries a monthly fee of $500
to conduct routine audits and adjustments.

Promotions Management

Promotions are what compels Yelp visitors to turn into customers, and
since promos are dynamic (meaning they change month to month), we
collect a fee to keep this updated.
Yelp has several coupons and deals that business owners can update,
taking small fee for each customer that gets generated.

Review Management & Stewardship

In this service, we actively prompt every customer for feedback and
channel that feedback based on the type of the review.
Negative feedback goes to a comment form that provides feedback to the
business owner and allows the disgruntled customer to vent privately rather
than publicly.
Positive feedback is encouraged to leave a review on Yelp or other review
This increases review volume and improves the overall review score.




Our initial step is to examine your brand to build an execution plan for unmatched design and profitable functionalities for the website.


Our designers sketch out a couple of visual concepts and strategies, share it with the clients and the concerned departments and edits this draft until it’s perfected and ready for development.


Upon the completion of the visuals by our design team, our development team gets to work on blending in the technical functionalities of the website with the design.


For our final step after the website is passed through QA & Testing, then a final live website check.

Get Started Today

Let us know if you would like to schedule a FREE "Review & Strategy" session. Let us see if your business is ready to increase traffic, sales, and conversions.


Free Review & Strategy Session

Kathleen Hood

Call Me @ 530-416-2699

Skype: Kathleenhood or Kathoodkkp

Email: [email protected]

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