Intro to Schema

Intro to Schema

One the lease used secrets in SEO – Schema: Schema data is a code on a website that tells the search engines very clearly what the site is about.  It then allows your SERP or Search Engine. Google, Yahoo and Bing created a new way for us to translate website...

Benefits of SEO to Businesses

1 INCREASE IN TRAFFIC With our proven methodology, you will see a steady, stable increase in your website traffic over time. More visitors to your website, means more eyeballs on your offerings. 2 INCREASE IN BRAND CREDIBILITY Over time, users have come to trust...
Intro to Content Marketing

Intro to Content Marketing

75% of all clicks on search engine results pages go to organic results. Organic search engine optimization drives traffic, boosts rankings, and content is what drives SEO. Content marketing is the foundation of every successful SEO campaign. Getting your website to...